
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Bettina Nadorp” ,找到相关结果约1023条。
Predicted overlapping microRNA regulators of acetylcholine packaging and degradation in neuroinflammation-related disorders
Bettina Nadorp,Hermona Soreq
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience , 2014, DOI: 10.3389/fnmol.2014.00009
Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) can notably control many targets each and regulate entire cellular pathways, but whether miRNAs can regulate complete neurotransmission processes is largely unknown. Here, we report that miRNAs with complementary sequence motifs to the key genes involved in acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis and/or packaging show massive overlap with those regulating ACh degradation. To address this topic, we first searched for miRNAs that could target the 3′-untranslated regions of the choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) gene that controls ACh synthesis; the vesicular ACh transporter (VAChT), encoded from an intron in the ChAT gene and the ACh hydrolyzing genes acetyl- and/or butyrylcholinesterase (AChE, BChE). Intriguingly, we found that many of the miRNAs targeting these genes are primate-specific, and that changes in their levels associate with inflammation, anxiety, brain damage, cardiac, neurodegenerative, or pain-related syndromes. To validate the in vivo relevance of this dual interaction, we selected the evolutionarily conserved miR-186, which targets both the stress-inducible soluble “readthrough” variant AChE-R and the major peripheral cholinesterase BChE. We exposed mice to predator scent stress and searched for potential associations between consequent changes in their miR-186, AChE-R, and BChE levels. Both intestinal miR-186 as well as BChE and AChE-R activities were conspicuously elevated 1 week post-exposure, highlighting the previously unknown involvement of miR-186 and BChE in psychological stress responses. Overlapping miRNA regulation emerges from our findings as a recently evolved surveillance mechanism over cholinergic neurotransmission in health and disease; and the corresponding miRNA details and disease relevance may serve as a useful resource for studying the molecular mechanisms underlying this surveillance.
Applying Positive Psychology Principles to Soccer Interventions for People with Mental Health Difficulties  [PDF]
Bettina Friedrich, Oliver J. Mason
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2018.93023
Abstract: Adjunct exercise interventions for people with mental health difficulties have been shown to improve well-being while also increasing physical and social health. Soccer as a team sport is a particularly apt form of group-based exercise as it fosters social inclusion and communication skills potentially also across cultural and socio-economic barriers. We discuss how some exercise interventions such as those using soccer are potentially well-aligned with concepts from Positive Psychology such as Seligman’s five elements (PERMA) that determine “Eudaimonia” (a good life): Positive emotions (P), Engagement and Flow (E), Positive Relationships (R), Meaning (M), and Accomplishment (A). In the present study the perceived life improvements reported by participants of a London-based soccer intervention “Coping Through Football” (CTF) are analysed for content using these five elements. All but Meaning (M) could be identified clearly; Positive Relationship (R) and Accomplishment (A) were the most commonly reported components. The PERMA model offers a potentially highly relevant framework to measure changes in well-being in participants of adjunct physical exercise treatments in mental health. Further quantitative and qualitative evaluation using the PERMA categories has the clear potential to inform policy and funding decisions in the growing area of psychosocial interventions in public mental health.
Política y suciedad. Concepciones y prácticas gubernamentales en torno a la limpieza y la salubridad en el Buenos Aires colonial: (1740-1776)
Memoria americana , 2011,
Abstract: this paper analyzes the measures civil servants tried to implement in the city of buenos aires during 1740-1776 in order to improve the urban cleanliness. the subject will be approached taking into account the ideological and scientific positions that shaped the orders issued, and also the different devices implemented to enforce them. by studying these topics, we will be able to rethink the different representations an ideal city should reach in the eighteenth century. additionally, the measures taken could be placed in a larger scenario of political interests to observe their impact in daily life.
Negociando o feminismo pop na cultura jovem feminina: um estudo empírico com f?s de grupos femininos
Fritzsche, Bettina;
Revista Estudos Feministas , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-026X2004000200006
Abstract: the spice girls as one of the most successful bands of the nineteen-nineties have become particularly famous for their proclamation of 'girl power'. with reference to an interview-based study with fans and ex-fans of the girl group the article discusses to what extent 'pop feminist' phenomena like the spice girls can be considered a source of empowerment for young women and girls. the 'documentary method' is introduced as a method which allows the analysis of media reception as part of a popular culture. a mimetic approach towards the spice girls within this popular culture allows their fans to experiment in finding their own position between the contradictory demands society makes on them as adolescents. it will be shown that their complicated negotiations refer to an empowerment which cannot be adequately grasped within categories of resistance and incorporation of ideology.
Religion und Identit t bei den Dia'ang auf Pantar, Indonesien: Eine ethnographische Fallstudie eines gewaltt tigen Konflikts [Religion and Identity Among the Di'ang on Pantar, Indonesia: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Violent Conflict]
Bettina Volk
ASEAS : ?sterreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften , 2008,
Abstract: Anfang 2007 brachen auf der Insel Pantar im Osten Indonesiens Unruhen zwischen zwei Ethnien, den Mauta und den Bara aus. Durch die betroffenen, aber nicht beteiligten Dia’ang wurden diese Ausschreitung als religi s motiviert gedeutet. Diese Interpretation spiegelt die Angst der Dia’ang wider, aufgrund ihrer christlichen Konfession Opfer von Angriffen zu werden. Diese Deutung zeigt, wie fragil das scheinbar friedliche Zusammenleben zwischen Muslimen und Christen auf Pantar ist und welche tiefen Spannungen hinter dieser idyllischen Fassade bestehen. ----- At the beginning of 2007 a violent conflict broke out between the Mauta and the Bara, two ethnic groups of the Pantar island in Eastern Indonesia. The not involved but by the consequences affected Dia'ang interpreted this into religious motivated riots, which refl ects their fear of being attacked because of their Christian religion. This reinterpretation shows how fragile the seemingly peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Christians is on Pantar and how deep the tensions behind this image are.
Diskussionsbeitrag: Reflexivit t, Vertrauen, Professionalit t. Was Studierende in einer gemeinsamen Praxis qualitativer Forschung lernen k nnen Comment: Reflexivit t, Vertrauen, Professionalit t. Was Studierende in einer gemeinsamen Praxis qualitativer Forschung lernen k nnen [Reflexivity, Trust, Professionalism: What Students Can Learn from Practicing Qualitative Research Together with Others] Comentario: Reflexivit t, Vertrauen, Professionalit t. Was Studierende in einer gemeinsamen Praxis qualitativer Fo
Bettina Dausien
Forum : Qualitative Social Research , 2007,
Abstract: URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0701D4Da3 URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0701D4Da3 URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0701D4Da3
Beteiligen, mitteilen, analysieren – Potenziale des partizipatorischen Fotointerviews Involving, Sharing, Analysing—Potential of the Participatory Photo Interview Involucrar, compartir, analizar: el potencial de la entrevista fotográfica participativa
Bettina Kolb
Forum : Qualitative Social Research , 2008,
Abstract: Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt die Methode des Fotointerviews und stellt praktische Erfahrungen aus einem partizipatorischen inter- und transdisziplin ren Forschungssetting dar. Er zeigt, dass sich das Fotointerview in der Nachhaltigkeits- und Umweltforschung bew hrt hat, wo lokale Bev lkerung eingebunden war und einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Forschung lieferte. Ausgehend von Forschungserfahrungen in verschiedenen L ndern beschreibt und analysiert die Autorin den Fotointerviewprozess und seinen Einfluss auf das Datenmaterial. Dieser wird in drei Phasen beschrieben: Beteiligen von Forschungspartner/innen, Mitteilen und Teilen von Ergebnissen zwischen Forscher/innen und nichtwissenschaftlichen Partner/innen, Analysieren und Interpretieren von Daten. In der ersten Phase des Fotointerviewprozesses wird die Methode eingesetzt, um Beteiligte aus verschiedenen Gesellschaftsschichten in den Forschungsprozess einzubinden. In der zweiten Phase werden Befragte und Forscher/innen gleicherma en ermutigt, die jeweiligen Sichtweisen und Perspektiven zu teilen und an einem gemeinsamen Problemverst ndnis über lokale Strukturen und Prozesse sowie an m glichen L sungen zu arbeiten. Die dritte Phase dient dazu, das visuelle und textliche Datenmaterial als Repr sentation von sozialen Kontexten zu analysieren. Indem Forscher/innen in Bildern manifeste subjektive Ansichten entschlüsseln, die auch noch von weiteren Methoden begleitet werden, analysieren sie visuelle Kodierungen von Beteiligten und deren soziale Einbettung in das soziale Feld. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0803127 This article discusses the photo interview method used in a participatory inter- and transdisciplinary research setting. The photo interview has proven particularly useful for sustainability and environmental studies in which eliciting community points of view is crucial to the research effort. Based on experiences in several countries, the author describes and analyses the photo interview process and its three phases—involving, sharing and analysing—and explores potential influences on data quality. In the first phase, researchers use the photo interview method to involve community residents from different levels of society in the research process. In the second phase, the photo interview method encourages community residents and scientists to share insights and perspectives and to partner in developing a common understanding of local structures, processes, and possible solutions. In the third phase, the photo interview method allows researchers to analyse visual and textual data as a representation of a
A Critical Review on the Concept of Social Technology
Bettina Leibetseder
Social Technologies , 2011,
Abstract: Purpose—A critical analysis of the term social technology from a social science point of view.Design/Methodology/Approach—Review of the term “social technology” from a social science point of perspective in connection to the study of governmentality and power in a Foucauldian way.Findings—The article covers the perspective that social technology provides social science knowledge for a purpose. Such a notion allows an in depth debate about the meaning of social order in modern societies. Establishing distinctive techniques now forms the basis of the modern state and governance. Social technology forms the basis of governmental decisions; it allows for a use of social theories and methods for a purpose in politics and introduces a specific conception of power between the individual and public powers. Therefore, it alters government in three ways: It provides expert power to define solutions for social problems based on social science knowledge. It transforms government. Social technology exemplifies a support system for an ordered method of the way of government, it allows for the conduct of others and self based on scientific expertise. It can define new areas of problems in need of a change of government.Research limitations/implications—Consequently, social technology requests a critical analysis using a governmental approach. Such an approach focuses on problems on the governed subject and how governing works and why it has evolved in that way towards the subject and what kind of ideas and thinking lies within the discourse.
Gestaltung von Kommunikation in dynamischen Organisationen und Netzwerken
Bettina Pardon
Open Journal of Knowledge Management , 2010,
Abstract: Wissen wird weitgehend kommunikativ vermittelt und tr gt in der t glichen Zusammenarbeit zur Wertsch pfung bei. Hier geht es um die Frage, welche Kommunikationskompetenzen in der modernen Arbeitswelt ben tigt werden. Was ist neu an der Kommunikation in flexiblen Organisationen und Netzwerken? Welche Bedingungen sind gleich geblieben? Was k nnen Personen, Teams und Organisationen dazulernen, um ihre Potentiale besser zu verwirklichen? Wo fangen sie konkret an? Kommunikation ist ein strategischer Wirtschaftsfaktor und kein Wohlfühlthema für Luxuszeiten. Die Zusammenarbeit in klassischen Organisationen, Kooperationen und Netzwerken funktioniert nur bei gelingender Kommunikation zwischen allen Beteiligten.
Eingabenarbeit. Zur Rolle der volkseigenen Betriebe bei der Schlichtung zivilrechtlicher Streitigkeiten mit dem Bürger
Bettina Theben
Forum Historiae Iuris , 1998,

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